Awakening Ancient Gifts
Join Liana for this exciting 4 Week Program and Tap Into Your Deepest Source of Ancient Hidden Gifts and Creativity.
On-Demand online program, you can can join now and start any time!
Do You Feel The Call?
In ancient times, women who were seeking to expand their connection with the Divine and access their soul gifts attended mystery schools. These schools offered a transformative space along with sacred technologies that could shift every day experience into alchemical gold. They offered an opportunity for giving birth to an awakened self.
From the Isis temples of ancient Egypt to the Inanna temples of Sumer, and from Avalon to the Oracle at Delphi, women sought remembrance of their divine nature and spiritual and practical skills that would enable them to step fully into their power. But eventually these lineages disappeared one by one.
However, many of the teachings and practices remained in underground lineages that are now being carried on in my teachings, based on the Lemurian Mystery School.
I am so excited to embark on this new chapter, as Awakening Ancient Gifts is the VERY FIRST offering of the Lemurian Mystery School. This is a modern mystery school with ancient roots that meets the needs of those of us living NOW in the modern world.
Awakening Ancient Gifts is the first of many programs to come, and this one will connect you with the initiatory power of the ancient mysteries in a new way, one that doesn’t require you to travel great distances but instead takes you on a fully embodied journey into the deepest sources of your creativity.
“A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself".”
— Maya Angelou
For thousands of years, the Feminine has suffered suppression, abuse, and neglect. Her importance as the keeper of Divine Knowledge has been forgotten. Because she is powerful, she is feared, and because she is feared, she is belittled, ignored, and often humiliated.
The earth and the people are suffering because of this loss. As women living in our world today, many of us have been promised that we can “have it all” - career, family, success, health, passion, sexual satisfaction and more.
Yet, many women have paid a price they did not realize they were paying.
Because of the Suppression of the Divine Feminine, most women have been disconnected to some degree (often completely) from the fullness of your power source -- your sexual energy. But NOW is the time that the wisdom of our Lemurian Sisterhood is awakening to the true Divine Feminine, and revealing Herself.
She is calling you to embrace and model the joy of the sexually embodied wise woman. She is calling you to fulfill the work you came to this life to do.
You may not be familiar with the Lemurian history, the Divine Feminine principles, or even the idea of the Lemurian sisterhood. But you were called here. You most definitely are not here by accident. You don’t have to call yourself Lemurian, or identify with any one specific notion or idea.
The Lemurian Mystery School teachings are coming through the teachings that I am anchoring onto the earth at this time, and all who are called to awaken to their TRUE source of creative fire will hear the call of this message. These teachings, codes and energetic openings are for you, for me, for all of us.
You may wonder what the teachings of a FEMININE BASED Mystery School can offer you....
It is a path to a deeper source of creativity that flows into your life.
It offers a rewiring of how you approach your gifts, in a way that truly honors and celebrates the unique blessings of the Divine Feminine.
It will teach you how to connect with a much deeper range of sacred energies so that you can engage your creative river with passion, joy, and purpose.
Should you join us for Unlocking Ancient Gifts, you will get in deeper touch with your creative source, your Feminine connection to power, and your true gifts which have long been dormant.
From this empowered place, you can manifest a joyous, abundant life that is fully aligned with your soul mission.
Humanity has never been more in need of empowered women who will shift the energy on our planet with their gifts.
I invite you to expand beyond the confines of what you think is possible and stand in the truth of YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. I consider much of the work I do to be "midwifery" of the soul..... and Awakening Ancient Gifts will help you give birth to your own shifts in order to manifest your greatest visions for your life and our world.
Enter the sacred circle with us and we will help you invoke and create a life aligned with who you really are and what you are really here to do!
What This 4 Week Online Program Covers
If you choose to enter into the mysteries through this program, you are saying YES to an acceleration on your soul path. You can expect to become a more connected to the world around you and within you — comfortable in your wise depths, at home in your wild feminine energy and willing to share your gifts. You will find the courage to pursue your deepest dreams, and find out what they really are to begin with!
Awakening Ancient Gifts offers you support, practices and sacred tools you need to move into your gifts more fully and with ease.
As we learn to integrate the feminine lineages of the past and awaken the fires of Avalon, Dendara, Oracle of Delphi, Egypt, and the Lemurian Mystery School, the missing sacred creativity begins to ignite...
...And we can remember why we are here in this lifetime.
Awakening Ancient Gifts will help you deepen your soul's presence, expand your vision of what’s possible in your life right now, and move into more clear action.
You will reconnect with the Earth, your body and the very essence of life. Rather than feeling isolated you will be welcomed into a loving circle of women that will be there to celebrate your joys.
You will gain confidence and strength to follow your heart and express your truth — and have a life that you love.
Awakened Women Are Needed to Shift Our World
Our planet and humanity as a whole have never been more in need of skilled and capable soul-filled women who can help turn things around. I invite you to expand beyond the confines of what you think is possible and stand in the truth of YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. Enter the sacred circle with us and we will help you invoke and create a life aligned with who you really are and what you are really here to do!
In Awakening Ancient Gifts you will:
Begin a powerful initiatory journey into reclaiming the Divine Feminine Gifts and Mystery School Teachings.
Have Weekly Sessions via Webinar where you will be given tools of transformation, as well as written practices, rituals and ceremonial programs in PDF form that will be yours to keep forever.
Learn tools and practices to bridge ancient feminine wisdom and your daily life.
Participate in ceremonial practices to transform patterns that have kept your creativity blocked
Uncover Hidden Gifts that have been dormant for a long, long time
Cultivate your innate access to your deepest sources of creative wisdom in the body
Expand your womb connection (whether you technically have a womb or not, does not matter) so you can BE who you are meant to BE, and DO what you are meant to DO.
Come to Know Your Three Feminine Power Centers: the pineal gland, third eye, heart and womb, so you can access your true power.
Have opportunities to ask Liana any questions, or discussions you would like to have.
The cost of this 4 Week Journey is $399 and Class Begins any time you choose to start!
Once You register here on this page, you are all set.
You will receive all links and information from Liana.
What People Are Saying
“This, from the Ancient Gifts Handout, resonates so deeply “It is time for you to receive initiation into the gifts of the Lemurian Path into the Cosmic womb. The Cosmic womb is the void, the feminine creative essence of the universe. It is the Goddess, anchored, and embodied in your womb, and the womb of all women.”
— Sangeet R., Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Awakening Ancient Gifts. I feel it’s the most powerful womb clearing Liana has available. This program rocked my world in many ways.”
— Amaraja B., North Carolina
“OMG YES!! I did the first session from AAG yesterday and oh man! It was like POW 💥 so powerful!”
— Danielle B., Austin, Texas
“Started listening to Ancient Gifts while making dinner.... I feel it is a perfect time with the energy for the next three months. It is about taking action and opening up your gifts!”
— Lindsay, I., Canada

Awakening Ancient Gifts follows the energy of the Medicine Wheel Connect to the Divine Energy of the Sacred Self
Knowing Your Own Mind The South: Mental – Purification – Inspiration
The Light and the Shadow The West: Emotions - Heart - Relationships
Your Body, Your Wealth The North: Physical - Manifestation - Healing
Gratitude, Appreciation, and Celebration of You The East: Spirit - Innocence – Loveability
Throughout this program, you will be calling upon your own internal Council of Wise Women, that contains the archetypes that serve and support you, each with their own unique ‘specialties’.
By bringing them out of shadow you can become healed, whole, and empowered as a woman. If you do NOT call these sacred archetypes out from your shadow, they can completely block your creativity and joy. There is tremendous beauty and joy in welcoming home all of these parts of our Divine Feminine Self that have been hidden, bringing you the freedom to live your life with your heart wide open, knowing that you are the Mystery.