Aloha and thank you for being here
Liana Shanti, BA, JD, CN is a world-renowned thought leader on spiritual healing of mind, body, emotions and finances. She is a quantum energy teacher, bisuiness mogul and mentor to female entrepreneurs, wellness educator, nutritionist, self-made multi-millionaire with students and clients in over 90 countries, host of two podcasts, author of Illuminations Weekly, which has had a widespread international subscriber base since 2015, creator of three international schools, and an accomplished fine artist whose original works are in private collections around the world.
She is also mom to two homeschooled children, one who is a professional artist and the other a competitive athlete.
Liana is a true polymath whose expertise draws from traditional degree based education as well as 45 years of her relentless pursuit of knowledge. Liana is also a Fellow at the prestigious Institute of Coaching, which is based at McLean hospital, the largest psychiatric affiliate of Harvard Medical School, Certified as a Clinical Nutritionist, a Certified Health Coach with the International Sports Sciences Association, a Member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, and currently working towards completion of her Master of Science Degree in Psychology, with a specialty in Sports Psychology.
Prior to following her true vocation, Liana was a corporate attorney on Wall Street at one of the world’s largest firms where she represented clients in Initial Public Offerings, Mergers and Acquisitions, Leveraged Buy Outs, and International Arbitration. Her clients included the Carlyle Group, United Defense, Vought Aerospace Industries, Norfolk Southern Railroad, and the Rockefeller Corporation among others.
During her time as an attorney, a partner Liana worked closely with requested Liana create a financial valuation for the Zapruder film (the only physical evidence of the John F. Kennedy presidential assassination) in the filmmaker’s case against the United States to be fairly compensated for his work. The partner was a cousin of Abraham Zapruder, and Liana’s determination that the film should be valued like a rare work of art, was ratified by the arbitrator and Mr. Zapruder received his fair compensation on the basis of Liana’s model of compensation.
While on Wall Street, in addition to her corporate clients, Liana did extensive pro-bono work on behalf of political prisoners, Tibetan monks and nuns subject to religious persecution and successfully obtained political asylum for 100% of the clients she advocated for before the INS judiciary.
Liana remains a passionate advocate for human and animal rights, and is an outspoken advocate for women and children victims of domestic violence.
Liana chose to leave the practice of law after being in NYC on 9/11 8 months pregnant with her daughter. She left her entire career behind to answer her true vocation, empowering people to heal, find self-love, and live an anxiety free life of happiness, health and wealth, while bringing the teachings of the True Jesus (not the false church Jesus) to the world.
I teach you exactly how to access your own innate direct connection with God on a personal level and how to ground that connection into your 3D life. This merge of spiritual with physical allows you to create positive change in all areas of your life: Mind, physical body, soul, finances, relationships, creativity, sexuality and parenting.
And ultimately, eternal inner peace. The ONE THING all humans deeply crave but almost none ever find. Most people spend their whole lives “searching” and say things like “we are all just trying to find the way.”
The WAY has always been here, but it requires full self accountability and shadow clearing, something 99.9% of people are blocked by their ego from doing. It’s why they NEVER achieve the very thing they so desperately spend their lives in search of.
I support your development by teaching you the tools and techniques that are time-tested, proven, and results oriented.
I teach you how to find your way back to the TRUTH that already exists within you. When Jesus said '“the kingdom of God is within you, I am within you” He was being literal. Human beings have endlessly searched for God and Truth outside of themselves.
But the Truth can ONLY be found within you.
The infinite universe is not something for you to look for “out there.” The road to the infinite exists within your heart where your higher self has the opportunity to connect DIRECTLY with Jesus.
No one can bestow that on you and no one can take it away. But you gave it away lifetimes ago and have since lost your memory of WHO YOU ARE - a Divine sovereign being.
My work gives you the clear steps to heal the wounds that BLOCK ACCESS to your Divine connection due to abandonment, guilt, rejection and shame. With childhood trauma affecting over 99% of all people, mother wound and father wound are the open doors to misery.
These wounds keep you locked in an endless wheel of seeking validation and love from somewhere outside of yourself, because your parents were incapable of unconditional love.
Just look around you.
The vast majority of people you know are in a state of constant seeking, and numbing out with alcohol, weed, porn, overworking, television, gossip, celebrity obsession, and are in dissatisfying relationships with lackluster sex, and lacking true purpose in their lives.
Many people find my work when they have already been to therapists, tried religion, tried the new age practices like reiki, meditation, and all other modes of “healing” and ending up in the same place year after year.
My intention, with every one of my programs is that when applied, you will have LIFEPROOF.
Lifeproof means that you can look objectively at your life and see practical pragmatic and REAL changes for the better. The foundation of all of my work is JESUS. The true Jesus. NOT the Jesus portrayed in religions and used by religions to control and dominate.
And certainly not the Jesus of the new age. The simple truth that Jesus is THE avatar for ALL humans. He provides THE path out of the endless wheel of reincarnation.
Unconditional love is the only container in which you can access your highest potential and uncover your own Divine connection.
The role of the mother and father is designed to be that container. But because the vast majority of parents are themselves traumatized, abandoned, rejected, and filled with guilt and shame, they were incapable of providing the unconditionally loving container for you to be fully protected, nurtured, empowered and initiated throughout your life.
There is NO HIERARCHY in what I teach. There is no DOGMA in what I teach. There is nothing for you to believe or not believe, only things for you to EXPERIENCE FOR YOURSELF.
Without experiencing things for yourself, everything else is just ideas.
There is no authority over you in the entire universe. You are your own sovereign being, so I do not teach any type of authority structure. You are meant to be a co-creator with God.
No one can heal you. You are your own sovereign healer. But most people need a guide, a wayshower, a teacher. That is my lifepath and passion. To lead you back home to yourself.
If you come across someone who refers to themselves as a "healer", RUN. This is a tell-tale sign that they are hooked into ego programming and consider themselves as having some special power that you don’t have.
The truth is we are all linked directly to the Creator.
Clear energy work can help you release toxins - emotional and trauma based - as well as detach you from dark entity connections and cords. Energy work can clear entities. However, many people who feel the call to be lightworkers have not done any deep wound healing on themselves to heal: Mother Wound, Father Wound, and the core abandonment and rejection wounds. So when they do "energy" work or other types of "healing" practices, their own wounds are transmitted into the energy you are receiving from them.
My path is clear: provide teachings to those who are ready, to help them remember their connection to Jesus, remember their origin is in the LIGHT, and choose to use their free will to ascend.
There is no dogma in what I am here to share. There is only practical experience. There is NO religion in what I teach, NO required rituals, beliefs, or adherence to rules of any kind. My teachings support YOUR SOVEREIGNTY, YOUR FREEDOM and YOUR LIGHT.
It’s simple. Use these teachings and watch your your life expand, grow and deepen into self-love, self-worth and finding your life path.