Listen to episode 2 of my podcast: Voices.
Here you will hear from many different women in their own voices about their experiences with my work.

Jane Matheson @janematheson33
Her teachings and guidance have been life changing for me personally. Each course/program that I take of hers continues to assist me to heal and expand in areas that I did not expect to…. HMI….to become a Health Coach!
Words cannot describe my gratitude for all that Liana does for me and for all the people that she has helped. She is pure light and embodies unconditional love. Such a beautiful soul!

Sally Devlin @sallyadevlin
After taking Liana’s core wound programs, what I know for sure is that She is the real deal. Her knowledge is vast and wide. She has a practical no BS way in which she teaches, her connection to Jesus is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime and she truly loves unconditionally. Being that most people who find their way to her teachings are deeply wounded, myself included, and who are people who have never experienced that kind of love or have never been celebrated for who they are, the intensity of her love can feel unnerving, (I speak for myself here).

Roxanne Smith @lemurian_healthcare_pc
In all the years I have known Liana Shanti she has been a strong proponent of unconditional love of self, sovereignty, freedom of choice and accountability. She has never waivered and I know she never will. Her unconditional love and guidance is what I credit for the walk I have with the true Jesus Christ today, my life with him has led to the wonderful joy I feel waking up everyday. I'm energized and healing and loving myself more and more each day as I do the work of healing and serving Gods will.

Nicki Panayi @heartlove_13
They made me sick, exacerbated symptoms & after each session at the hospital I’d walk home with no recollection of how I got there. My body was telling me this was not the way. Then the Divine showed me the true way to healing when I found Liana Shanti‘s fb page in 2012 💖 I took Liana’s 66 Day Health Mastery program back in 2013 alongside a group of amazing people & my healing increased tenfold. Juicing became my favorite way to start the day 😍We CAN heal our bodies, mind & soul 💜

Nicki Panayi @guidedbylightart
Unconditional love is something I’ve been learning to give myself through the healing programs of my teacher Liana Shanti...the one human who has always loved me unconditionally. Through her unconditional love I have come to see, feel and understand that I have always, like everyone, been loved unconditionally by the Divine father and mother and Jesus 💜 over the years my understanding of unconditional love involved a lot of confusion.

Nicki Panayi @guidedbylightart
Leading up to that time my body was very sick, and I had began seeking and taking natural healing measures to heal my body. I had also been seeking healing of my soul and my mind for many years but I wasn’t finding the light and teachings that came from true source until I ‘met’ Liana. My initial healing journey with Liana began with her 66 Day Mastery program and as her private client.
My health began to improve the second I began implementing her teachings and programs. When she released her Health Mastery Institute Nutrition School program I enrolled straight away and the passion I had for holistic healing grew even more with the knowledge I gained from completing and graduating from HMI. I am grateful for this every day.

Malia Hiilani @malia.hiilani
She helped me understand that I have always been worthy of unconditional love. The Divine and Jesus have kept my soul safe so I can strive towards building a life I deserve to have and I am WORTHY of.
Her guidance has lead to mental peace and clarity, powerful discernment, the courage to stand up for myself against those who were hell bent on bringing me down no matter what I did, a job I love dearly that has brought me financial freedom, something I was led to believe I could never have. I have quit weed and completely changed my diet for the better.

Leilani Kilikina @leilanikilikina
The more trauma I uncovered, the more I healed from my physical pain. Pain I had been in non-stop for 3+ years. THIS was my first experience of LIFEPROOF. Going from not knowing what it feels like to not be in excruciating pain at ever moment of every day, to no pain. I was mind blown to say the least. This was real and happening to me. It was the opposite of what every doctor had told me because they were just looking at the physical symptoms without addressing anything else. Being pain-free was no longer just a message I was reading from her. It was turning into my reality.
Next, my physical strength returned. I began showering with no one watching over me. I began to cook in the kitchen again with my husband. I began to go on walks with our furbaby. Things I hadn't been able to do the last 3 years.

Kathrin Avani @larasalila
So I listened to the first free session of healing from narc relationships and I fell asleep after only four minutes and I had no nightmares. During that time, I sometimes did the sessions four times a day and I was getting better every day. My mother was so excited and happy to see the effect this work and healing had on me, that she started the mother wound program.
Liana's programs have changed my life on all levels. For the first time in my life, self-love is no longer just a nice word for me.

Makelina Alohilani @love.makelina
Through Liana’s health and spiritual courses I was able to support myself as I dealt with the truth and began my walk to true healing. I felt more empowered than I ever have in my life.
Today, I live a life free of the guilt and shame of the past. I love myself enough to make healthier choices every day. My creative spark has been reignited in my business and I’ve been an even better mother for my children. I’m present in every moment with a strong connection to Jesus and belief in my ability to be of service in this world.

Kalena Rianne @kalena_rianne
I quit drugs completely. I have an intimate relationship with Jesus. I have a relationship with my inner children. I am learning how to take care of my physical body through her HMI program. All her programs have done nothing but help me to look deep within myself and to actually start loving me. I have never had as much confidence and love for myself than now.

Kaia Alline @kaiaalline
Liana has guided me to start businesses. One of my businesses is focused on health and wellness, autoimmune disorders, repressed emotions, grief/trauma, and more. The growth allowed me to retire from counseling in 2021. This year Liana brought to me a business/program to create. It was perfect for me. Family Cult Recovery was born and blossoming in a couple of weeks. It's growing steadily. My healing continues.

Jacqueline Fisch @theintuitivewritingschool
She’s a teacher’s teacher and all-around spiritual and business badass. I admire the unshakeable, completely grounded way in which she shares truth like no other. She shared in one of our recent conversations how many people have blocked throat chakras, so their writing isn’t great. This kind of writing you read and sense as controlled, stifled, and forced. Not the type of intuitive writing I teach.
In 2021, I joined her community and signed up for some of her programs. The first, Lifepath Manifesting. Holy shit, was I in for an eye-opening. I had been glossing over and bypassing in so many areas of my life. When you start doing real healing work, previously buried experiences bubble up to the surface to be healed.

Dan Berlongieri
The way I see myself that I have changed since meeting liana is :
*I'm more open about my emotions
*I can catch my ego trying ro make my decisions
*showing more love to my family
*I'm actually putting the work into being the best me.
*I have taken control of my life( I always looked to make others happy and put my own on the line.)
*standing up for what I believe in
*took out people that were dragging me down in life.

Chelsea Ribbink @riseandthrivehealthcoach
Then enter Liana Shanti’s work. After doing several of her programs including ones from Health Mastery Institute, I have healed from everything listed above AND THEN SOME! I have a relationship with Jesus. I quit my job as an elementary school teacher and am now growing my own business.
I have not touched weed or alcohol since December 2021.
2022 was the first sober year of my adult life.

Chelsea Ribbink @chelsearibbink
Before I found Liana’s programs I tried talk therapy, couples therapy, EMDR, reiki, medicinal mushrooms, and none of it helped me to find peace. To find joy in life. Finally I found Liana on Instagram. She would share posts that sounded so matter of fact and harsh - I would have to reflect on it for awhile and always yes - I would realize I agreed.
The first program I did was Mother Wound. It cost me around $300 and it included 6 sessions. That’s $50 a session. This does not include the recorded live calls full of other peoples experiences, questions, and answers as they went through the program. That is substantially less than the $120 a session I paid for weekly talk/EMDR therapy. After completing Mother Wound my rage was gone. It was incredible to me and my husband. We were amazed. I felt lighter. I had started to find that peace.

Cahira Noelani @escaping_mychristianfamilycult
If you asked me to pick one person in the entire world who epitomizes the highest character qualities possible in a human, Liana Shanti is that person. Her entire life radiates goodness, kindness, compassion, love, generosity, and integrity. Yet, she is the most humble person you have ever met. She continuously gives and helps people while wanting nothing in return, even avoiding recognition and praise.
Liana is a modern day version of Mother Teresa and the world is a better place simply because she is here. I know thousands of women, men, and children who all feel exactly as I do, whose lives are forever changed and blessed simply from Liana’s work, love, care, and compassion.

Amy Klarich @amyklarich
I was not happy, had no idea how to change, what changes to make, or even that some of the changes were possible. Saying Liana Shanti and her programs changed my life is an understatement, but is also putting her under fire from some extremely dark people. So, lets talk about what that statement means. It means that she is the most compassionate, kind, and unconditionally loving person I have ever met or heard of.

Ailani Nahara @ailani.nahara
Liana is literally a life savor on this planet, leading people back home to themselves, empowering us in all areas of our lives, leading by example and unconditionally loving us along the way. She is someone who sees so deeply and loves everyone so much, her heart is huge and she is the most generous soul I know. She has given me so much that I didn’t even know was possible. She taught me how to love myself. That right there is all that matters to me because the love I gained for myself allowed me to begin not only healing my soul, but my body as well. I feel the best I have ever felt because my body and what I put in it became a priority to me.

Malana Hokulani @awomanuncaged
And it was her teachings that gave me the tools, the awareness, and the support network I needed during a personal 911 earlier this year.
A day where I feel that she literally saved my life and helped catapult me onto a whole new path.
And it’s her teachings that continue to help me humble myself and show me where I need to KEEP doing the work to STAY on this path.