“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality.””
The foundation of all of my teachings is freedom. Freedom comes when you “deprogram” yourself from the the traumas, the ancestral and lineage covenants, the limitations placed on you by family systems, religions, societal programming and having your light diminished at the hands of others whose goal was to keep you from your gifts.
I teach you exactly how to access your own innate direct connection with God on a personal level and how to ground that connection into your 3D life. This merge of spiritual with physical allows you to create positive change in all areas of your life: Relationships, Wealth, Health, Parenting, and Creativity.
And ultimately, inner peace. The ONE THING all humans deeply crave but almost none ever find. I support your development by teaching you the tools and techniques that are time-tested, proven, and results-oriented.
I teach you how to find your way back to the TRUTH that already exists within you.
When Jesus said '“the kingdom of God is within you, I am within you” He was being literal. Human beings have endlessly searched for God and Truth outside of themselves.
But the Truth can ONLY be found within you.
The infinite universe is not something for you to look for “out there.” The road to the infinite exists within your heart.
If you have ever felt that there was something better for you, a better life, and that there was something great within you if you could only just know what that is, you already know deep down what I am talking about.
Truth doesn’t need convincing.
You know in your soul that there is so much more to life and that there must be something bigger, something you can do in your life with your gifts, but you have never quite been able to access it.
If that is you, you are at the right place at the right time. You were led here.
Hi, I’m Liana . I am a spiritual teacher, trailblazing entrepreneur, visionary leader, and mentor to women all over the world, helping them achieve financial freedom, embrace their sovereign power, and create their own empires of wealth, health, and amazing personal relationships.
My journey from success as a Wall Street attorney to online business mogul and groundbreaking entrepreneur is fueled by my passionate commitment to my students’ personal, spiritual and financial transformation.
I am known for my groundbreaking Quantum Strategies, my spiritual anchoring in the True Jesus, and my unwavering belief in the power of the Divine and the innate genius of every woman I work with.
I am the host of two podcasts: She Can Have it All and my private business focused podcast, Ready Set Rich. I am the author of Illuminations Weekly, which has had a widespread international subscriber base since 2015, and I am the creator and founder of three international schools, 12D B SchoolTM, the leading online business school for spiritual entrepreneurs; HMI NutritionTM, the world's first plant-based health coach certification school; and the industry-disrupting, highly acclaimed Quantum Mind Body TherapistTM Program - Life Coaching. Elevated.TM
My students are people who want to reclaim their destiny, free themselves of trauma, release themselves from toxic relationship patterns, get wealthy, get healthy, re-ignite their passions, recover the parts of themselves that they long ago abandoned, and who want to fall in love with life again.
If that sounds like you, you are in the right place.
My lifepath as a spiritual leader has one purpose: to teach you exactly how to find your true self, become fully sovereign, recognize your worth, understand that you are a child of the Divine Creator and that you were created out of love, you were created to be loved, and you are love at your essence.