Light Body Activation
Join Liana and Her Global Community of Lightwokers in this incredibly powerful series of Light Body Activations, to help you actualize your highest physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Your Light Body is a Living Intelligence Powered By Your Divine Mind Working In Alignment With Creator Consciousness.
During this powerful Mystery School Program, you will receive sound and energy activations that will assist you in fully activating your own Light Body (Merkabah field).
Your own personal Light Body field expands 54 feet in diameter around you when fully activated and holds all the codes for the activation of your “dormant DNA”. You will also experience energy upgrades through the 5D levels of Consciousness of which the first 3D levels are currently being experienced on this Earth Plane.
What Is Dormant DNA and Why Does It Matter?
Your DNA are “double serpent” helix strands, found in the nucleus of every cell of your body. And you have approximately one hundred trillion cells in your body! Within that DNA exists all of the information necessary to create your entire body.
Science has concluded that 97% of your DNA does “apparently” nothing.
And as such, this supposedly useless DNA is referred to as “junk DNA”. However, the Mystery Schools have always known that this DNA contains the Light Codes and Sacred Geometries that have the power to activate every aspect of your multidimensional self.
The 97% dormant DNA holds the blueprint of EACH OF YOUR LIFETIMES (not just this one) as well as the information on how to activate ascension in each lifetime. When your dormant DNA is activated through the crystalline Lemurian Crystal Template, an additional five double helices unfold and superimpose themselves over your existing two strand DNA.
The dormant DNA is connected to each portal in Lemurian Consciousness, and the light particles within the DNA act as transmitters and receivers to these portals. These portals are “stargates” and have the ability to receive information from outside our time space continuum.
This information is then transmitted in the form of light particles to your DNA.
However, the DNA itself has the ability to transmit information in the form of light particles interdimensionally – and this further connects you to each atom and molecule within our Multiverse, bringing about Lemurian Unity Consciousness.

The Light Body Activation Program contains three powerful energetic frequency healing sessions.
Level I
In level I, Liana provides the powerful energy codes and sound activations that support the activation of your Light Body to your highest level of Consciousness - the Jesus Frequency. Once your Light Body is activated, the sacred geometries of the platonic solids will also activated. The platonic solids are the cube, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, and the icosahedron and the dodecahedron.
In Light Body activation, you become an extension of the Jesus Frequencies inherent in the Lemurian Grid surrounding the Earth Plane.
During the Level One Recording You Will Receive:
Activation of Your Physical/Etheric Body With a Core of Light
Activation of Your Emotional Body to the Fifth Dimension
Clearing Your Emotional Body
Increased Light Within Your Body at a Cellular Level as the Atoms and Molecules Spin Faster In Increased Light Frequencies
Clearing Blocks to Your Ascension Process
Raising Your Own Personal Vibration, as Well as That of Anyone You Work With
Activating Your Light Body to 5D Frequencies
Level II
In level II, you will activate your own sixth dimensional frequency, which will assist you to create love, light, joy and harmony for yourself and all others. You will have the ability to take your personal path/life work to a new level and connect to the higher dimensions for assistance in your work and life.
Your own Higher Self will offer you the ability to experience Two Different Chambers of Light which take you into a deeper level of unconditional Love, clear out old cellular patterns, clear out false beliefs and judgments so you can experience more of your multidimensional nature.
The First Chamber of Light is a Manifestation and Illumination Chamber of Light, which helps you access the Universal Mind, and clear the negative ego and lower mind. This process will help make it easier for you to step into a deeper level of being a co-creator and conscious manifestor in your work.
The Second Chamber is a Cosmic Re-Integration Chamber of Light that takes your Soul Consciousness and anchors it through the body and energy field in the now.
The activation in Level II includes the removal of etheric crystalline regulators, implant and entity clearing and the cancelling of any karmic contracts or negative vows. You are then ready to begin the activation of the Crystalline DNA Templates.
During the Level II Recording You Will Receive:
Clearing at a Cellular Level of False Beliefs, Judgments and Genetically Inherited Patterns
Activation of the Mental Body to the 5th Dimension
Activation of Cellular Awareness
Activation of the 3rd Eye Using the Chambers of Light
Implant and Entity Clearing
Level III
In Level III, you will be activating the axiatonal lines through the 12 meridian lines in the body , as well as downloading the related chakras. The axiational lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve spin points of sound and color frequencies found along each meridian line. The activation of these 144 spin points at each dimensional level creates the appropriate sound and color frequencies necessary to actualize your dormant DNA.
Level III will have a rejuvenating effect on the physical body, as your chakras start to merge into a unified column of Light and Unconditional Love in the fifth dimension and the Lemurian Grid Timelines.
Level III activation also assists in creating parallel merges. Parallel merges occur as we streamline our lifetimes, often experiencing numerous lifetimes simultaneously. As these parallel merges occur, as the dormant DNA is activated and the clearing accelerated, you may experience memories in which you were harmed for your gifts/powers/beliefs. While this is an imprinting, it creates a memory within the DNA, and you perpetuate these patterns from a fear based consciousness with friends, family, colleagues, in career choices, abundance manifestations and so on, with many of the Soul groups you have been involved with in past lives/parallel realities.
In Level III, a recalibration takes place at a cellular level as well as through the seven master glands and related chakras in the body, ending with the activation of the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands. Your DNA is further activated and actualized through the etheric 12 strand DNA, and you become more multidimensional.
The clearing of the DNA is also related to genetically inherited beliefs as well as patterns created in this lifetime.
Benefits to the Level III Crystalline Activations:
A Deeper Sense of Trust and Surrender to the Divine
Knowing That The Pathway of Divine Love is Your Birthright
A Deeper More Integrated Recognition of Yourself as a Sacred Vessel of Divine Love
A Greater Sense of Joy and Peace
Releasing False Beliefs and Judgments, Victim/Persecutor Consciousness
Moving More Into Detachment While Experiencing a Greater Flow and Depth of Emotion
An Increased Synchronicity In Your Daily Life As The Veil of Illusion Lifts and You See Through The Eyes of Your Highest Self
The Ability To Read The Energy of Others More Clearly
A Sense of No Time, No Space. Linear Time Dissolving Into a More Multidimensional Time Frame of Being in The Now.
Bringing In Multidimensional Memories of Your highest Potential in Parallel Realities Through The Merging of Your Multidimensional Selves
Increased Ability to Manifest and Magnetize All That You Need In Any Given Moment
Remembrance of Your Cosmic Heritage By Merging With Your 5D Selves
Healing The Wounds Of The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Archetypes of Light
Accessing Akashic Records
Activating The 12 Strand DNA
Increase Creative Gifts and Greater Color Spectrum Visibility
Increased Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Telepathy.