Nicki Panayi @heartlove_13
My journey to finding Liana Shanti starts with a physical healing journey, and a longing to heal my mind and soul. In my life I made a lot of unhealthy decisions, had thoughts of wanting to die, put myself in to toxic situations and I wanted to shift out of all that. I had started to make some small shifts and was searching for a way through the mud and then my physical health got intense and my life changed massively.
I grew up with various health issues and in 2010 I was diagnosed with severe Crohn’s disease. I had an abdominal stricture and perianal and rectovaginal fistulas. I was in excruciating and severe pain daily, on a liquid diet and needed surgeries.
I had complications from the first surgery and the next surgery to fix that actually made the symptoms much worse. I tried immunosuppressants but they also made things a lot worse. I could feel my body was telling me this is not the way. I stopped any and all medications, as also recommended by my consultant and was told this would be my life. Their next suggestion was to be tube fed for life and have a colostomy bag, with no guarantees it would help or heal anything. I was barely leaving the apartment, in so much pain, could barely sleep, going to the toilet 20+ times a day with what felt like glass moving through me and more complications. To me this wasn’t living, I knew there was another way to heal. And it was clear my body was telling me that too. It had been telling me for years.
Some friends had talked to me about healing through juicing and enemas (with wheatgrass specifically. Enemas are great just not with wheatgrass, choose coffee instead), a mutual friend had healed cancer this way, so I read books on the topic. I tried it myself and had some positive shifts.
I continued praying for someone to guide me that had knowledge on holistic healing. I knew the root of the physical manifestations was not only because of how I had physically treated my body, through food, drink, drugs, meds or over working etc, but that for years I had suppressed my emotions as a result of trauma.
In 2012, my prayers were answered. I found Liana Shanti’s page on Facebook called Rawganicvegan. I instantly knew she was sharing the information I needed. She shared information that was fact and evidence based and you could feel her love of empowering people to make healthier choices in their life shine through.
Every time I saw a post from her it lit me up, they were filled with so much TRUTH, LOVE, LIGHT and HOPE.
In 2013, I joined her 66 day Health Mastery program. It was immensely healing for me on many levels. In the group and on calls you could feel Liana’s passion, love and her true desire for people to be healthy and live joyful, love filled lives.
As I worked through all her other amazing cleanses and information she shared, my body continued to heal and I began to be able to eat more solid food and have less pains. Being able to do a little more each day.
Liana’s guidance and programs were clearly helping me and I enrolled in her HMI course because I knew how immensely beneficial it would be for me to learn through her and it being backed by 50 years of science. I also began to heal on an emotional and spiritual level. You can’t not because it’s all connected. I jumped at the opportunity to do any program Liana released and in the process my relationship with myself began to shift. I saw a lot clearly what my own behaviours were that were toxic and also the toxic behaviours of those around me. My relationship with my partner shifted a lot too as we began to work on our individual healing. I am so grateful for the additional healing that brought for us.
Liana has always showed me unconditional love and understanding. She has always gone above and beyond what is required of her. She has empowered me and given me the tools to save myself. To release guilt and shame which I had a lot of and my IC were holding on to that and felt they deserved to be punished and to die.
Her programs have blessed me with great healing and empowerment to learn to discern what is loving, to show me that I am worthy of love, of health and a joyful life, and to make my own healthy choices in life that are from a more unconditionally loving place. To be more in integrity each day. She helped me to reconnect and strengthen my connection with Jesus and to feel him in my life again. My heart and soul are forever grateful to her.
In all the years in Lianas communities I have felt so loved, empowered, respected and honored by Liana. It is a blessing to be a part of her beautiful communities.
Her love, guidance and programs and my healing through them over the years also helped me focus on becoming an artist. I had just started to explore art right before I found her but with the physical challenges could barely do much. I also had A LOT of limiting beliefs around me being an artist and let all this hold me back. But through my healing, I now create joyful art for a living and am continuing to learn new ways to share it.
I wake up every day in gratitude for my life, Jesus, Liana and all the blessings I have.
My life is much more joyful, peaceful and abundant in so many ways since Liana and her programs came in to my life. She is a gift and a blessing. I am truly blessed and forever grateful to her. May all beings be blessed in this way.