Valerie Marrali @chef_arielle_aikane

Valerie Marrali Testimonial for Liana Shanti

I was a serial stoner since the age of 18, I smoked every day any time I could. On my days off I would have a joint ready upon waking up and literally spend the day stoned.

I planned a life of being a stoner and wanted to be a cool mom that would smoke with her kids when old enough🥴 when I would back home to my parents for the holidays I would make sure I had weed available to numb out their shit and also I needed alcohol to go with it🧊

It got to a point where it was just too much, every afternoon weed and alcohol after a long day at work, I hated my job of course I resorted to numbing on a daily basis.

Looking back at picture of me my face is fucked up, I cry for my IC and I’m so so happy I’ve been weed free for more than a year🙏🏻 words cannot describe how grateful I am for Liana Shanti and her healing programs🙏🏻

I don’t know which program did it but as soon as I started her core wound programs I just didn’t feel the need anymore, it was like my soul knew it “yep this is it just exactly what we were waiting for”😭🙏🏻💜💜💜💜


Malie Oriana @malie_oriana


Kaia Alline @family_cult_recovery