Aaralyn Shiri @aaralynshirimusic

Aaralyn Shiri Testimonial for Liana Shanti

Just like Jesus never claimed to be a Savior, neither has Liana Shanti. She teaches that ONLY YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF. She says, “Don’t believe me. Do the work. Implement the teachings of Unconditional Love. Get your own life proof.”

Only you have control over your thoughts and actions. Only you have control over your heart. Only you have the ability to be accountable, look at the dark shit you’ve done and HEAL YOUR SHADOW.

Only you can rescue your inner children. Not even mom and dad can come back and save them, although that’s what they’re waiting for.

But guess what?

I’m not the only one who was floundering around in life. Miserable. Hopeless. Worthless. Wishing I could just hurry up and die already. Wondering what the point of my life was. Addicted to porn, TV, food, pain.

I had no clue what the fuck I was doing.

So to me, going from someone who used to hate herself, believing she was evil at her core…to loving herself and seeing the beautiful brilliance of GOD within?

I mean, that sounds life saving to me. Because if Liana wasn’t here, doing the work she is doing, I would still be obese, fat, miserable, hating my body. Searching for crumbs of love from men. Struggling financially. Living through other people’s lives on TV shows. Wasting my life.

If you don’t know how to get where you want to go, you need a guide. Plain and simple. 


Kaia Alline @kaiaalline


Leilani Kilikina @leilanikilikina