Kaia Alline @kaiaalline

Kaia Alline Testimonial for Liana Shanti

Whether I am writing about family cults, narcissism, toxic families, relationships, repressed emotions, death, autoimmune disorders, brain health, or how to improve your overall health, it is with a passion for understanding as I have experienced all of it. I'm also invested daily in healing my soul.

I grew up in a family cult (that also was enmeshed in a religious Catholicism cult) and also filled with narcissism, toxicity, and abuse (sexual, emotional, and physical), which led to everything else that I listed above.

The repressed emotions were buried deep. They were protecting me from what my inner children couldn't handle and did not want to remember.

Our brains will do all they can to protect us from 0-7, and knowing all I do today, I am grateful God created our brains to be as they are.

A pattern in my family cult was pain and suffering. I learned it well. As I had no skillset to understand how to release all I was holding onto emotionally, plus add in all that I had repressed, sooner or later, illnesses would happen.

I learned about how the body stores everything during my studies withHealth Mastery Institute and with individual work with Liana Shanti. Comically, inner children and their importance were hardly touched in my master's or doctorate programs in Mental Health.

Most professors I came across didn't have any understanding of inner children, nor did they choose to learn. I did. I am grateful as that is what began my healing process.

It takes courage to become aware and heal. If you are looking for awareness, understanding, or to find tools to heal, I am glad you found this page.

That is part of my service work.

To guide others to be their best and ultimately choose to heal their souls. I will not say it is easy to do any of this, but I can say if you do, the changes in your life will be amazing. I am living proof of that.

Often we do not believe we grew up in a family cult or that our illnesses are tied to our childhood. I get it. I struggled with this too. It's because our ego wants proof right now. We live in a society of quick fixes. I can say with honesty that awareness and healing will most likely not happen overnight. It will be the choices you make every hour to heal. Only you can decide.

If you are looking for guidance beyond what is offered on my pages or what you see on Liana Shanti pages, let me know. Check out our programs and offerings and educate yourself on what you deserve and what it takes to reach the place of peace, joy, happiness, and ultimately freedom.


Ailani Nahara @ailani.nahara


Aaralyn Shiri @aaralynshirimusic