Ailani Nahara @ailani.nahara

Ailani Nahara Testimonial for Liana Shanti

I wanted to share some of my healing journey and how my life has radically transformed since I found my teacher Liana Shanti back in 2016.

I came across Liana online at a time in my life when I was going through some very hard challenges. I was married to a narcissist that was physically and emotionally abusive, I was doing drugs, had been using fast food to numb my pain for years, smoking cigarettes, I had no passion for life, no purpose and felt very lost.

My mom had just divorced my step dad who was also a narcissist- the very scary, raging kind, and growing up with that kind of torment and walking on eggshells caused major PTSD and feelings of low self worth.

So when we (my mom, sister and I) found Liana, we were a mess from having just left two toxic marriages and feeling the confusion and self doubt about where to go from there.

Liana and her Lifepath Manifesting program is where I began to uncover my childhood pain and for the first time in my life, felt like I was being heard and recognized.

I was blessed to be able to have 1:1 sessions with Liana, as were my mom and sister. It has been so challenging and so eye opening to go through this process of uncovering childhood trauma alongside my mom and sister, but It’s also been the most amazing gift because our relationships have transformed, become stronger, more supportive and more loving than ever!

How beautiful is that? My relationship with my mom has changed in ways that I never thought possible. Watching my mom, who was so emotionally closed off my entire childhood, begin to open up and talk about the pain and trauma we experienced was and is the greatest gift Liana has given us.

When she released her Mother Wound & Father Wound programs, shit got real and messy again lol! I felt fear around my healing, not knowing what would be uncovered or how it was going to look with my mom, so I ran back to drugs and alcohol, running from the work.

And all the while, Liana was there. She never once judged me or made me feel bad for my choices.

She loved me unconditionally, which was something I had never experienced.

She made me feel safe and loved. Even after making decisions that put me in danger, she was there for me.

These programs, along with every other program Liana offers, has changed not only my life, but the relationships I have with my family. She gave us (my mom & sister) a new way to live and be with each other. Where the relationships are REAL, supportive, loving and free.

The family environment I grew up in was toxic, abusive, oppressive, authoritarian and so damaging to my sense of self. The affects of that manifested a life where I was overweight, eating my emotions away, doing drugs, drinking, in toxic relationships, looking outside myself for love and validation, never speaking up or trusting myself.

Liana showed me a way out. A way to love myself. She showed me that I could be happy and healthy. That I didn’t have to live my life in a prison. She taught me that I was worthy and whole. She showed me the power of unconditional love because she embodies it.

I have uncovered gifts and things about myself that I had no idea was there. I am a freaking health coach and it’s because she believed in me and showed me I was capable. Her love and teachings have now allowed me to give back and serve others in need of guidance.

I see life through new lenses now. I no longer look outside of myself for approval or validation. I know that I have everything I need within myself. I am an empowered woman creating a life that I love and growing more everyday and it’s all because of Liana and her dedication to being a teacher for anyone looking to heal themselves. I am forever grateful. 


Leta Hunt @healing.with.animals


Kaia Alline @kaiaalline