Leta Hunt @healing.with.animals

Leta Hunt Testimonial for Liana Shanti

I have a vivid memory from 2013, where I was telling my partner at the time, “I think I just need to accept that this is my life.”

That year was the crux of my health problems – chronic stomach issues, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, fainting spells, panic attacks, severe depression.

I was smoking weed all day, every day, to cope. I just thought, “I guess I have to be high for the rest of my life.”

All of this was while I was studying to become a psychotherapist. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was drawn to psychology and therapy because I desperately wanted to understand.

Why did I feel this way? Why did I struggle so much? I learned a lot in that field, but it had it’s limits. It was clear to me that I was not the only one who went into the field because of deep wounds, wounds that were not totally healed and that were constantly being projected onto others.

As I dove further into the field of mental health, I realized it lacked depth – it felt like surface level intellectualism. Sure, I could explain to you 5 different theories of why I felt depressed and anxious, but I had no idea how to actually heal.

At best, I could try to manage it. Even Somatic Experiencing, a niche in psychotherapy that I practiced for 2 years, and the closest thing I found to actual permanent healing, seemed to fall short.

You’d always have to be dependent on a therapist to provide it for you, to hold that space. And even after releasing a lot, you’d always have to go back for “tune-ups.”

When I found Liana Shanti and her teachings in 2021, it felt like all the pieces I have learned over the years fell into place – the role of food in physical health, candida overgrowth, core wounds, narc abuse, quantum physics and energies, astrology, laws of abundance, and of course, the spiritual aspect of connecting with The Divine and Jesus.

Not only did all the pieces seem to come together, but instead of a dependence model that arises in psychotherapy – and western medicine – her teachings focus on each person learning how to find healing and empowerment within themselves. 

For the first time in my life, I truly know I will reach full health, and live an abundant, joyful, passionate life, co-creating with The Divine. I always knew the answers were out there, somewhere, and I’m so grateful that Jesus led me to Liana. 


Kaia Alline @family_cult_recovery


Ailani Nahara @ailani.nahara