Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality.”
— Albert Einstein

Hi, I’m Liana . I am a spiritual teacher, trailblazing entrepreneur, visionary leader, and mentor to women all over the world, helping them achieve financial freedom, embrace their sovereign power, and create their own empires of wealth, health, and amazing personal relationships.

My journey from success as a Wall Street attorney to online business mogul and groundbreaking entrepreneur is fueled by my passionate commitment to my students’ personal, spiritual and financial transformation.

I am known for my groundbreaking Quantum Strategies, and my unwavering belief in the power of the Divine and the innate genius of every woman I work with.

I am the host of two podcasts: She Can Have it All and my secret podcast for women in business, Ready Set Rich. I am the author of Illuminations Weekly, which has had a widespread international subscriber base since 2015, and I am the creator and founder  of  three international schools, including the highly acclaimed life coaching program Quantum Mind Body Therapist Program - Life Coaching. Elevated.

Liana’s International Schools

  • Quantum Mind Body Therapist Certification Program

    Become a credible and successful life coach with the industry’s most ground-breaking, evidence-based, impactful education available, serving students in over 90 countries celebrating TWELVE YEARS of transforming lives around the globe

  • HMI Nutrition

    The world's first plant-based health coach certification school.

    Nutrition and business training that helps you become the Go-To expert in nutrition and wellness, earn a great living, empower people to transform their lives, and have the freedom to work on your own terms.

  • 12D B School

    The leading online business school for spiritual entrepreneurs.

    Enroll in the Premier Online School where you learn to apply the 12 ancient laws of wealth, known only to the ultra-rich, to your 21 century business. 

Liana’s Instant Access Healing Programs

  • Healing the Mother Wound

    This is a 6 Week Energy Healing Program with Liana Shanti.

    Mother Wound can show up in many ways in your life including addictions, eating disorders, fear of success, self-sabotage, shame, guilt, diminishing yourself and your potential, codependency in relationships, comparing yourself all the time with other women, guilt for not being a "better daughter", guilt for wanting more than you have and not being "content", and so much more.

    Join Liana’s Mother Wound Program and give yourself permission to achieve more than you ever dreamed possible!

  • Healing the Father Wound

    This is a 5 Week Energy Healing Program with Liana Shanti.

    Father Wound can show up in many ways in your life, including low self-worth, attention and validation seeking, issues with material security and abundance, codependency with partners, and much more.

    Examine the powerful subconscious programming that forms the Father Wound and how it has discouraged your full self from emerging.

    Erase unhealthy patterns of seeking validation from men, and ultimately learn how to come into full balance with the Divine Masculine.

  • Healing from Narcissistic Relationships

    Find relationship freedom in this powerful 6 Week Energy Healing Journey with Liana Shanti.

    This healing program is not just one of recovery; but it is about THRIVING, finding your true worth, understanding that you actually have PTSD to heal from, and recognizing the pattern so you don't relive it in the future.

  • Awakening Ancient Gifts

    Join Liana for this exciting 4 Week Program and Tap Into Your Deepest Source of Ancient Hidden Gifts and Creativity.

    Humanity has never been more in need of empowered women who will shift the energy on our planet with their gifts.

  • Lightbody Activation

    Join Liana and Her Global Community of Lightworkers in this incredibly powerful series of Light Body Activations, to help you actualize your highest physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

    Join Us and Experience Life The Way Your Soul Intended

  • Lifepath Manifesting

    Join Liana for a 12 Week Journey Into Healing, where we dive deep into the shadow, uncover your power animal, find your Lifepath, clear old contracts from many lifetimes that are holding you back, and access the wisdom deep within.

    If you're tired of struggling with your life's purpose, your self-esteem, your happiness, your stress levels, and having a hard time trying to balance it all...

    Finally, a program that will help you clear away the pain of what is holding you back from your best life.

Liana’s Illuminations Weekly

In her weekly forecast, Liana provides helpful, practical and useful messages of inspiration and motivation to help you approach each week in a POSITIVE AND POWERFUL way that works WITH the energy, rather than against it.