Alissa Petcoff @alipetco

Alissa Petcoff Testimonial for Liana Shanti

I took me a while to fully embrace Liana Shanti 's teachings- 7 years to be exact!!! I found her nutrition page back in 2013 and participated in that community for years even though I wasn’t actually able to do a full cleanse. I was then extremely triggered when she started talking about Jesus since I grew up in the cult of Catholicism and then later became atheist after leaving. So, I unfollowed Liana for a few years.

I continued on a downward spiral from there. I was suffering greatly from extreme stress (emotional, physical, and financial), anxiety, depression, fear. I was bitter, exhausted, overweight and miserable. I had constant negative fearful thoughts and worst-case scenarios running through my mind all the time.

Sometimes these thoughts were absolutely debilitating and paralyzing. My constant stress manifested physically as heartburn, a tightening in my throat to the point where I had trouble swallowing, joint and bone pain, and heart palpitations. I was always frustrated and yelling at my kids. I drank alcohol to de-stress. I cared way too much about what other people thought of me. I also thought that things “just happen to you” and “you can’t do anything about it.”

2020 was a wake up call for me like many others. I could see the insanity so clearly and Liana was a light guiding me out of the chaos leading me towards myself and Jesus’ true teachings.

I started doing the free anxiety meditation, womb clearing, and the abundance webinar. I subscribed to illuminations, used tools I learned from that like mantras: When I felt fear or stress, I put my hand on my heart and said: “I am safe. All is well. I have everything I need.” (I still do that sometimes).

I imagined a big over all my negative thoughts. I started working on MW, I was guided to leave a dangerous state, and I got rid of a lot of poverty consciousness and limiting beliefs. I also stopped eating meat & reduced my dairy consumption. All of my physical symptoms went away, and I started to cultivate peace in my life for the first time.

I did the Candida program this year and lost 25lbs, my skin is clearer, I have more energy, and my anxiety and depression is gone. I quit dairy and alcohol and coffee! I completed HMI and am working on attracting some clients. I realize that I am in control of my life. As Liana says: “I am the center of my own universe,” and “I am a limitless being in a limitless universe!!”

Now, I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about me!! I love myself, I am way more patient & present with my kids and dogs, my relationship with my husband is deeper, I’ve become more independent, and my life is so much more peaceful. I recently realized my mother is a high-level narcissist and I needed to disconnect from her.

I am still working on my wound healing and don’t yet feel a personal connection to Jesus, but I trust it will happen and pray to him throughout the day. I continue to remind myself also as Liana says: that “My journey is perfect and unique!” Thank you Liana for your constant love and guidance to everyone in your community. 


Kristen Macara @sovereign_healthandwellness


Asha Ariya