Anahit Pashaian @anahit32
I had been praying for someone to be my teacher after I had a bad experience at a new age seminar. I left the seminar feeling contradicted. This woman disempowered a woman that day and that didn’t align for me.
And about two months later I came across Liana Shanti’s Instagram page! Wow, so interesting she is talking about things I never even heard of, mother wound, father wound, narcissistic healing and Ho’Oponopono.
See I had always felt stuck and blocked and she had an answer to these feelings I was feeling. I would ask her questions and she would give me actual answers, my feelings were not dismissed, I wasn’t told it’s my imagination and this gave me such hope!
I started listening to illuminations and was amazed at her knowledge and love she exudes. Thank you Liana for sharing you with the world.
Then I started mother wound and father wound, each program is a six week program and I was like ok I will heal each wound within six weeks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and I can go on with my life. The work is continuous and the healing is liberating to say the least. I suffered from severe and paralyzing anxiety for most of my life. I had always wanted to quit drinking alcohol and eat healthy.
There were people in my life that would give me anxiety that I didn’t want in my life. I had bosses that would be rude to me and I would brush it off. I didn’t show my kids unconditional love. I never thought I would be a business owner.
Anyway this all changed and is changing as I have started healing my wounds. I am not drinking alcohol anymore and I’m not in any mommy and me wine category! I don’t look forward to wine at the end of the day!! Not drinking alcohol helped my anxiety too!
With Liana’s teachings I gained the courage to let go of relationships that drained me and were toxic. For years I had relationships that I was unhappy with and I became empowered by her programs and stopped the relationships I was not happy in. And one of the most important relationships that I am working on are the relationships with my children!
My inner children and my actual children! I always felt I love my kids but did I love them unconditionally!? Did I love myself unconditionally?? I had not looked at love in the way she was talking about! What? I don’t know how to love unconditionally??? I am still working on this part and the outcome of each try, each realization is heart wrenching and blissful. And each of her teachings ties in with my anxiety issues and being able to handle my anxiety by myself is a huge gift for me.
This healing work is not easy for me, there is a lot of shadow work involved and it’s very uncomfortable for me. The work is worth it and the results are life changing for the better. Thank you Liana for providing the teachings that have got me to this point.
I am working on my business endeavor and I know pretty soon I will be a business owner and be my own boss!
Thank you for teaching me to realize my worth, realize how capable I am, guide me to connect with Jesus, unconditionally love myself and my children and this list goes on. I am thankful with all my heart.