Chloe McNally @chloemmcnally

Chloe McNally Testimonial for Liana Shanti

Liana Shanti helped me to get my life back! Since finding her teachings, I’ve stopped engaging in toxic behaviors like smoking weed, I’ve ended an addiction to sleeping pills, I’ve stopped drinking alcohol and have become empowered enough to cut out toxic people from my life.

I have the healthiest body I’ve ever had and as an athlete, am performing and feeling the strongest I’ve ever felt.

Most importantly I am learning to live authentically and operate within my truth. As I continue to heal my wounds through her programs, I am becoming more and more the real me.

Her teachings have led me back to the truth of who I am and I couldn’t be more grateful. Life continues to feel more beautiful and limitless.


Hannah Rosales @hannahisblooming


Mandy Pledger @breastimplantillnessrecovery