Hannah Rosales @hannahisblooming

Hannah Rosales Testimonial for Liana Shanti

It was early 2020 and I was filled with fear. I remember laying on the bed crying out to God begging him to show me the way. I was in despair, no hope. I was in pain, physically, mentally and spiritually. I was basically bed bound and living off 10/20 ibuprofen a day. (No exaggeration).

My whole world had been rocked. I had woken up to the abuse I had endured as a child, that I had been in a religious cult and I was trying to go plant based. I was trying to heal so desperately but I didn't know how.

I was at a point that I didn't want to keep going on like this.

I told God that I couldn't keep living in this fear that it was eating me alive and that I didn't want to keep living. I remember crying myself to sleep that night and the next morning I woke up and I had no fear.

It was like it had been lifted and the fog of fear was gone. Just a few weeks later I found my teacher, Liana Shanti. That's when EVERYTHING changed. I knew the moment I found her she was teaching what I had been searching for my whole life.

The true teaching of Jesus.

I joined her community and started doing her Mother Wound and Father Wound course and then started studying at Health Mastery Institute, her plant based nutrition school! I finally had found the tools I needed to heal myself. I finally had hope for the future. I started to make healthy boundaries, I started walking again, I gave up ibuprofen completely.

I started to finally love myself for real.

Don't get me wrong I have days that are super hard because healing isnt easy it's hard, really fucking hard but now I have a inner knowing and peace because I have Jesus and the tools I need to heal. Healing isn't linear and I will continue healing for the rest of my life but I'm seeing the changes or as Liana always says the LIFEPROOF!!!!! Thank you so much for everything Liana. I love you!


Chris Caveness DeFilippo @chrisdefilippo