Kathleen Allyn @earth.melody.wellness

Kathleen Allyn Testimonial for Liana Shanti

It’s honestly hard for me to begin drafting this post without crying Liana Shanti ‘s impact on my life goes right to the depths of my soul.

She has been under aggressive attack from darkness lately, and her other students and I are rising up to stand up for her and share the truth about her infinite light.

Liana first began impacting me significantly by piercing my New Age illusions.

I’d been drawn into the concepts that all of humanity would ascend, that I was with my “twin flame,” that all is perfect and love and light on what is actually a prison planet.

I ended up putting a couple New Agey comments on her Instagram back in 2019; I was very steeped in this sense that heaven on Earth would truly become a reality (news flash: it won’t ).

I was a devoted Kundalini Yoga teacher and regularly attended ecstatic dances and Oneness Blessing events in Buffalo, and had begun to notice how every New Age community I was part of had some way of gaslighting abuse survivors or glossing over the danger of malignant narcissists, allowing them into these community spaces, lacking strong boundaries, in the name of “love and light.”

I think the fact that I could see through the facade of the New Age, at least somewhat, made me receptive to the uncomfortable truths Liana was dishing up.

I dropped Kundalini Yoga early in 2021, and it then became clear that my partner at the time was on a very different trajectory than me.

Everything Liana was sharing was indicating that I would need to release her as well.

I resisted hard, and finally I initiated the break-up and dove into Liana’s guidance wholeheartedly, joining her private community shortly thereafter.

The greatest gift Liana has given me (among many gifts) is the courage to disconnect from my abusive mom.

I’d known my mom had sexually abused me for my whole life, and her emotional abuse was an ongoing poison until just a few years ago.

But I could never disconnect, even though I sometimes wanted to do desperately.

The New Age teachings I was receiving highlighted forgiveness, giving up the victim story, seeing our parents’ pain, but left out the crucial component of eliminating toxicity and parasitic energy and having actual boundaries, championing our inner children.

With Liana’s encouragement and focus on truth, I disconnected from my mom with a short email and spent a year living 20 minutes away from her and not once reestablishing contact, and feeling very little guilt about cutting of contact (when guilt had been heavy for me in regards to my mom for years).

That’s because Liana was teaching me how to connect with, heal, and unconditionally love my inner children, and I could no longer betray them by exposing them to toxicity.

It has been a powerful shift that has extended to so many parts of my life.

Liana’s guidance emboldened me to leave my hometown of Buffalo for good and embark on a completely new journey of healing and expansion.

She has helped me turn inward, away from my codependent patterns, and to see the depths of my shadow but also my light, and has helped me know that anything can be healed.

Her energy is like the sensuous, wild ocean and a warm, effervescent sparkly pink hug, and a fierce jaguar, and a wise snake. She is brilliant in everything from quantum physics to business expansion. And the depth of her unconditional love and commitment to service knows no bounds.

Amidst the turbulence of the past couple years, during which so much has crumbled, Liana has remained steadfast, sovereign, and strong, teaching her students to be the same. Words cannot express the value, light, and love she brings to everything she does, and it is an immense blessing to be on this path of healing and returning to myself with her as my teacher.

I love you, Liana. (And the narcs can suck it )


Leilani Kilikina @leilanikilikina


Leilani Kilikina @leilanikdesign