Shelly Gaudreault @shelley.gaudreault

Shelly Gaudreault Testimonial for Liana Shanti

I met Liana Shanti in 2014/2015 when I began my search for better physical health.. I was so determined to change my life and so started this journey with 66 day Health mastery, Candida cleanse, Parasite cleanse and throughout the healing of my body, my journey to healing my spiritual, mental health would be awakened with every word she spoke.

I started listening to what she had to say and for the first time in my life, it all made sense, everything made sense. I knew, deep down that what I had been taught my whole life was not “it”.. there had to be more..and boy was there more. More than I could ever have imagined. So my journey continued with Light Body, then Lifepath, HMI, MW and also Illuminations.

Everything brought me closer to Jesus, not the Jesus religion taught us about but the real unconditional loving Jesus that is real and in learning about His unconditional love, I started learning about unconditional love of myself, my people, everyone, the animals, the plants and my perception of everything shifted. I started letting go of toxic people in my life, letting go of toxic beliefs about work, about religion, about family cults, self-loathing, guilt, shame.

Healing is not a one and done deal, it is a process of peeling back the layers and discovering more and more that needs to be done, but that’s ok because as I peel back the layers I am becoming who I was meant to be and for that I will be eternally grateful. 


Haley Winter


Tayla Hondel @clearitoutcrew